Alive on Purpose

Little girl walking expressively

This can go two ways.


The first way:

If you’re breathing today, you’re alive on purpose. Not of your own accord, but because of the Creator of the world who’s put breath in y-o-u.

V. cool.

His timing is perfect, He loves you, and you’re not a mistake. Trust the God who made you.
(In all seriousness, that’s much easier said than done most of the time, and I’m not trying to belittle tough circumstances. Just sharing reminders of truth in the midst.)


The second way:

My relationship with Ecclesiastes (relationship’s a strong word for a book I read ~once/a few times a year) is…interesting. There are some parts, like the one below, where I’m like, “Yes yes yes yes.

There are other parts where an eye roll doesn’t quite do it.

In heaven, if people are recognizable, Solomon (author o’ Ecclesiastes) may not be the first author whose book signing line I’m in.

Gif of Gene Wilder

BUT. Read the below verse, and then we’ll chat.

So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 8:15

This may not be the greatest pre-game inspirational speech by any means.

But, when I’m feeling defeated about “not doing enough,” or I’m nearing graduation and if I get asked one more, “So what do you want to do with your life,” I’ll possibly sneeze viciously on them (what?), verse 15 kind of throws a strong hand out in front of me, guarding me from running through life too fast or too stressed.


When was the last time you ate and drank with someone, no phone in arm’s reach, no “Only five more minutes until this is overrrrr“?


For me, the answer would be, not nearly enough.


However, there was a recent night where a few very dear friends and I took a low-quality pic of a fun and food-filled evening that was so, so needed.

It was us simply meeting up, shopping for food that we’re blessed to be able to splurge on for spontaneous occasions like this, and rejoicing in quality time with quality food.
(Food–specifically food that I can eat–is one of my love languages, I’ve decided.)

Friends posing with food

I’m thankful to have friends that go on spontaneous Sprouts runs for an exorbitant amount of “healthy” junk food with me. I think that’s a gift from our good Giver of perfect gifts. (James 1:17)



If we’re alive on purpose, then let’s live on purpose.

Joy is too precious a gift to miss, to not fully embrace.


I need this reminder. If you do, too, then yay! If not, share it with someone who does. Life is too sacred not to.


Go live! Jesus loves us!